few words about us

Established in 2016
While our roots are in rock climbing, over the years we have become passionate about caving, canyoneering and alpinism. Our vast experiences working with the main zip-lining companies throughout the island led us to explore different adventure platforms. We tapped into the local ecotourism movement and found a way to express our creativity in this space. By developing high-quality adventures that are fun and challenging, we hope to foster a love of nature and demonstrate our commitment to the outdoors. This is our lifestyle and we love what we do. We are working hard to provide the best adventure experience out there!

About Us
We love everything! That is nature
Altura®is a Nature Adventure Company settled in Puerto Rico. The word Altura® means high, elevation or altitude. We believe this is one of the key elements or key ingredients found very well, in almost all Adventures in Life. Our mission is to provide a fascinating experience, that has this key ingredient ingrained in different nature adventure activities, that could challenge you and us also but at the same time providing a beautiful platform to enjoy nature the way we like it, among friends. We love everything! That is nature base, well.... maybe not everything, cause we haven't tried everything, but we love rock-climbing, canyoning, caving, hiking, alpinism and the list goes on! But in the end what we love the most is sharing nature with good people that thrive for the same passion. So if one day you want to enjoy nature with good company, remember, Sign Up, Explore More and Aim High! - Go to Altura®